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『Advent Calendar, 2023 Christmas Calendar Jewelry,Christmas DIY Bracelets Fa』はヤフオクでから05月23日 01時 53分に出品され05月23日 01時 53分に終了予定です。即決価格は8,526円に設定されています。現在99件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。熊本県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | Advent Calendar, 2023 Christmas Calendar Jewelry,Christmas DIY Bracelets Fashion Jewelry,Christmas DIY Bracelets Fashion, 2023 Christmas Advent Calendar for Girls. (Advent Calendar Gift) |
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商品コメント | ???2023 Christmas Advent Calendar Jewelry: ??Gift Box includes:2* bracelet, 22* pendants, 1* Stars bracelet,1* luminous necklace (luminous bracelet and necklace: in a darker place at night with a light or flashlight for a few seconds, it will emit a blue luminous). 22 pendants can be used to create different styles of necklaces and bracelets to create a different mood. Advent calendar set exquisite packaging gift box, this is an ideal gift. Merry Christmas to you and your family in advance???Christmas Calendar Different Surprise Each Day: ??Open one window each day from December 1 to gain a unique charming jewelry or bracelet. The 24th window indicates the advent of Christmas. Great fun and heighten the holiday anticipation. A unique and interesting Christmas Countdown Calendar.???2023 Advent Calendar Jewelry: ??22 pendants which employ elements related to Christmas such as Christmas tree, Santa Claus, canes, Christmas stockings, snowflakes, angels, snowmen, stars and love... Perfect for counting down the days until Christmas. You also can make bracelets with different styles to wear.???Fashion Jewelry DIY Family Activity: ??The 2023 DIY Bracelets Fashion Jewelry Set is special to expect the advent of Christmas. Interact with them to design jewelry, which helps you acquire more family warmth and love.???Adjustable Bracelet and Necklace: ?? 8.5inch (21.5cm) length, 6 extended chains. The 2023 fashion bracelet is suitable for wrist circumferences of 6.1inch to 7.7inch (15.5cm-19.5cm). 2023 Christmas Advent Calendar for Girls,teenagers and women. |
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