商品説明 商品カテゴリ KAFKALOTTA ペット用品 犬 首輪・ハーネス・リード ペット用品、生き物犬用品首輪、ハーネス、リードその他首輪、ハーネス、リード JANコード/ISBNコード 0617092969674 商品コード YS0000046838460061
『NINA WOOF Dog Collar Compatible with Airtag 2021 Cupertino Dog Collars Harn』はヤフオクでから05月15日 17時 31分に出品され05月15日 17時 31分に終了予定です。即決価格は7,406円に設定されています。現在121件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。奈良県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | NINA WOOF Dog Collar Compatible with Airtag 2021 Cupertino Dog Collars Harnesses & Leashes Made from Vegan Leather with Dog Tracker Device Holder Adjustable Dog Collar Blue XS |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | WITH A DOG TRACKING DEVICE HOLDER Nina Woof Cupertino Dog Collar is a good choice for pet owners who like using pet tracking devices. This vegan leather dog collar is Apple AirTag 2021compatible. Equipping your pet with a tracking device can make you feel at ease by letting you know where your beloved animal is.POSH AND FUNCTIONAL Dress up your dog in style with this collar set that is compatible with a leather leash and a small leather keychain purse that we also offer. The eyes of onlookers will be on you and your pet as you walk together around the neighborhood or in the park with our PETAapproved crueltyfree vegan leather dog leash.ATTENTION TO DETAILS Nina Woof offers handcrafted collars featuring detailed European designs. One look at our Dog Collars Harnesses & Leashes will have you falling in love. The soft touch and feel of our veganfriendly reenforced leather is not only comfortable to use day after day it’s also made durable to last.QUALITY THAT LASTS Cool soft comfortable and stylish are not the only words that describe our dog accessories. Take care of your dog with our comfortable and durable cute dog collar. Our light ultrasoft faux fur ensures that the dog collar wont break in the middle of your walk. Give your dog a girl dog collar that theyll love wearing.WE CARE At Nina Woof we aim to provide you with premium quality dog accessories that are crueltyfree durable and PETAapproved. We want your pooch to stand out and feel pampered when you use our cute and cool Dog Collars Harnesses & Leashes on them. |
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