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『DG Hill 6 Pairs 80% Merino Wool Socks For Men And Women Warm Thermal Wool S』はヤフオクでから05月23日 03時 17分に出品され05月23日 03時 17分に終了予定です。即決価格は7,826円に設定されています。現在809件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。新潟県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | DG Hill 6 Pairs 80% Merino Wool Socks For Men And Women Warm Thermal Wool Socks For Hiking Crew Style Moisture Wicking |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | Designed for Extreme Temperatures: For optimal level warmth, these are very warm winter socks for women and men. Merino wool acts as a body temperature regulator and keeps you warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s hot. Made with 80% Merino wool, these wool socks for men and women are a versatile yearーround outdoor accessory for all climates and activities. The perfect addition to your hiking gear or use them as ski socks in your set of thermals, these are hiking socks women and men will loveIncredibly Soft and Comfortable: Brushed fleece lining with nylon/spandex for stay up performance, and added stretch, these merino smart wool socks are extremely durable and feel great. Finally, sturdy hiking socks men and women can wear today and years down the line. And while these thick socks make a great heavy boot warmer, theyre also incredibly light and wont add weight to your backpacking gear. Quality hiking clothing is important for women and men socks shouldnt be any different.Superior Cushioning in the Footbed: With reinforced toe and heel, plus added arch support these are wool socks mens feet will appreciate. Many womens and mens wool socks can overheat or feel tight, but these breathable, moisture wicking socks balance compression and comfort perfectly, making them ideal work socks for men and women, hiking boot socks for men and women, and thermal socks for men and women that will fit easily into your hiking pack.Moisture Wicking: Merino wool mens crew socks absorb sweat and moisture to maintain dryness. These warm socks are a great addition to your merino wool base layer mens hiking gear and should be a part of any hiking gear essentials for women. Comfortable wool hiking socks that go well with winter boots for men and women, snow boots and hunting socks for men. Ideal camping and hiking gear for men, camping accessories.Unisex Sizing: SMALL: Womens shoe size 3ー5.5, MEDIUM: big kids’ shoe size 3.5ー7, women’s shoe size 6ー10.5, men’s shoe size 5ー8.5, LARGE: women’s shoe size 11ー13, men’s shoe size 9ー12. 80% Merino; Other materials: 17% Nylon, 2% Spandex, 1% Elastic. Merino wool crew socks are the perfect long length for boots, shoes, sneakers. Multiple sizing for men and womens wool socks, cold weather socks men, mens work socks for boots; Color options: gray, black, brown, pastel blue and pink |
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