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『Dog Boots & Paw Protectors, Dog Shoes for Hot Pavement, Bowite Summer Winte』はヤフオクでから05月06日 03時 24分に出品され05月06日 03時 24分に終了予定です。即決価格は7,546円に設定されています。現在456件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。高知県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | Dog Boots & Paw Protectors, Dog Shoes for Hot Pavement, Bowite Summer Winter Breathable Lightweight Fly Knit Dog Booties with Reflective Strips for Small Medium Large Dogs 4PCS/Set(Black,#3) |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | ? Size: To make the dogs paws fit the shoe better. Be sure to refer to the size chart for the most comfortable fit. These dog shoes are suitable for small, medium and large dogs.? Stylish Design: 45-degree curved design, more suitable for dogs feet. Double layer adjustable Velcro straps and Elastic and soft shoes mouth. The simple, classic slip-on design is easy to put on and take off without falling out. The breathable and soft knitted mesh upper is stitched in 2 colors, the star shape embellishes the surface of the dog shoe, and the unique Bowite logo. These designs make this dog shoe look more stylish and sporty.? Fly Woven Material: This dog paw protector is different from other fabrics on the market. Made of unique high quality fly woven and nylon fabrics. Soft, comfortable, lightweight, breathable and durable. Fashionable and unique safe and environmentally friendly materials. Keeps dust and debris out while remaining comfortable and ventilated throughout the day, perfect for four seasons wear. PLEASE NOTE: These dog boots are not waterproof, but are for protection.? Protection: Dog boots protect dogs from sharp thorns and hot pavement. Effectively protect dog paws from heat, stones, glass, etc. This dog boot protects your dogs weak paws from snow, ice and salt in winter. Better care for your dogs paws.? Anti-Slip Reflective: Tough neoprene anti-slip sole provides stability and traction helps dog mobility and stability on tile and sand. Reflective strips improve visibility and make your puppy easy to spot at night or in dark conditions, ensuring your dog walks safely at night. |
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