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『The Mysteries of the Universe: Discover the best-kept secrets of space』はヤフオクでから05月22日 06時 43分に出品され05月22日 06時 43分に終了予定です。即決価格は6,885円に設定されています。現在357件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。福島県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | The Mysteries of the Universe: Discover the best-kept secrets of space |
ブランド名 | DK Children |
商品コメント | Journey from Earth to the outer reaches of the universe with this stunning book about space! Youll encounter bizarre planets, distant stars, and intricate galaxies. From planets and asteroids to black holes and galaxies, every page of this captivating book reveals the secrets behind more than 100 celestial objects. Get ready to explore fun facts and exciting new scientific discoveries!For centuries, the mysteries of space have captured our imaginations. This picture book will illuminate imaginations and spark curious minds to explore the vastness of space. Take your little astronaut on a journey from our planet out into the furthest reaches of the universe! Filled with gorgeous illustrations and incredible photography, young readers will be intrigued by the detailed close-up images of each celestial body.The engaging storybook-style descriptions and simple text shed a light on facts, myths, and key discoveries about the universe. Explore the wonders of our solar system and beyond. This educational book also includes reference pages packed with fascinating information. Journey Through the Vastness of SpaceJoin us on an adventure across the universe, as we rocket to the stars! Discover 100 objects from the universe, arranged from the closest to our planet to the ones the furthest away. Storybook-style text and out-of-this-world pictures make this book perfect for an astronomical bedtime. Its also a fantastic gift for children who cant get enough of space.Grab your spacesuit and put your helmet on! Inside the pages of this adventure book, youll find: • Beautiful illustrations and incredible photography that showcase the mysteries of space. • Discover 100 remarkable objects in the cosmos. • Engaging storybook-style descriptions that explain key discoveries about the universe.More to ExploreOnce youve discovered The Mysteries of the Universe, dive into the companion titles from this series from DK Books! The Wonders of Nature explores more than 100 items from the natural world and An Anthology of Intriguing Animals showcases animals around the world. |
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